Why to Introduce Sales Force Automation in your Business? – A Detail Explanation
What is Sales Force Automation?
SFA is an automatic process of incorporating various parts of sales processes including client contract, sales rep assessment, managing sales budget, and other similar sales tasks. In simpler words, SFA allows a business to maintain a consistent flow of information through various branches. Otherwise, that need to be processed through different levels. The automation of the sales force is considered as one of the most effective and simpler ways to make an organization efficient.
Dynamic Features of Sales Force Automation
It is a one-stop solution that can be adopted by any business model. In spite of your business size and domain, you can easily include SFA in your operations and welcome an easiness in the workflow. It can master up all the essential business responsibilities that you want to eliminate from the curriculum of your sales reps. The features of sales force automation are enormous, but the most effective and immediate features are –
Marking Territories
When sales reps are working on the field, then the tasks like tracking leads status and mapping out the route from reps is very time-consuming. But, if you replace your traditional spreadsheets with SFA software including geotagging and real-time monitoring, then you can reduce your more than half work instantly. This app will keep the managers up to date about the status and route of sales reps in real-time that can make managing very easy.
The small and medium-sized companies can better integrate their business and bring higher efficiency in the sales process such as –
The route of the sales representative in mapped out in the app, thus if the rep ever goes out of the market zone, then the manager will be immediately notified. This practice will help in keeping individual rep’s records and saves up time, money and resources of the business.
Sales reps can be assigned leads based on the prefixed business rules and through real-time monitoring, it can be checked whether sales reps are following the rules or not. This has benefits of eliminating ownership conflicts and fixes the liability.
With real-time location data, the management can easily track down field sales employee's location and instantly send them sales lead nearest to the location to save time and resources.
Sales reps can stay constantly connected with the back office and notify about the status of the lead using the geotagging technology.
Having an Edge Over your Team
Today, you can’t become a successful sales generator if you aren’t keeping a close eye on your field team. You need to always know what your employees are doing, which sales policy they are using, how they are following and managing their leads. By having a piece of information about your employees, you can always stay ahead of the time. SFA app can here benefit managers in analyzing their field employees –
Through the inbuilt attendance feature, sales reps can send their reporting to the managers from anywhere.
Plenty of different performance reports can be automatically generated by the software that helps management in understanding the competency of the sales employees.
Sales reps can shares docs, photos and digital signatures to the managers to verify their work.
Managers can even send alerts to the employees if they don’t have to find their performance satisfactory.
Management of Workflow
When the process of handling workflow is managed by the SFA enabled software, then streamlining the sales order will become a smoother task. The unnecessary paperwork can be avoided that will free up more time for the sales team to the better strategies sales plan. This even increases the efficiency of the sales teams as they can quickly provide the services to the clients and follow the lead on time. It will eventually improve the client retention rate and boost the satisfaction level of current customers.
A good sales force automation app offers a complete work dashboard from where numerous reports and functions can be performed to manage the sales leads. It will give the perfect sales pipeline to sales reps to efficiently complete the job. With sales force automation you will also be in a better position to convert an estimate into an order with a single click of the mouse without the hassle of involving any great amount of paperwork.
Sales Force Automation Benefits
SFA is a very innovative method to benefit your business organization to gain a competitive edge over your competitors. This software technology can make your sales team efficient by saving time and energy. Besides this, you can gain numerous benefits from SFA –
Tracking Alerts – Managers can track the activities of the sales reps and send alerts for the important meetings. With the track alerting, you can keep your sales team on the right track and ensure that they are following all the sales leads before they turn cold.
Automation Solutions – When managers are using an innovative automated system to retrieve information and monitor the activities of their sales reps who are working on the field, then this will make the process effective and accurate. All the tardiness and latency can be avoided with fast and efficient automated tools.
Opportunity Capturing – The sales force automation gives an opportunity to the business managers to seize the upcoming opportunity swiftly. Suppose, if there’s a prospective sales inquiry that comes into your office, then by tracking the location of your field employees, you can swiftly send the nearby located sales rep to seal the deal before your competitor can beat you. You can strike the opportunities way quicker with SFA.
Sales Pipeline Management – To better strategize for the effective sales plan, you can utilize the visual presentation of the project’s revenue, leads and other costs. Once you have a clear view, then you can adjust your strategies and evaluate the focus of your efforts to achieve the desired level of the revenue.
Instant Sales Reporting – When all the work is assigned and managed through a dashboard, then automatic performance reports can be generated. The sales reports provide insightful information to the management regarding the performance of an individual sales rep. Based on the real-time reports, management can evaluate the health of a sales team and take concrete steps to improve the efficiency of the team.
Attention on the Right Leads – On the field, plenty of different leads are present, but the only handful of them are suitable for your business. Now, if your sales reps are running behind the useless leads, then it is a complete waste of your business resources. Thus, by real-time monitoring of the sales team, management can guide them when they are running behind irrelevant leads. When sales employees are running behind the relevant leads only, then this will improve the revenue of a company.
Hassle-Free Scheduling – SFA tools make the process of scheduling meetings with the clients and sending sales reps to attend the meetings a hassle-free procedure. With the app, management can easily check the available time slot of the representative and schedule the meeting. Which instant alert will be sent to the rep so that he or she can reach the meeting on time. And, if the rep is unable to attend the meeting, then management can reschedule or send someone else to the meeting.
Sales force automation can bring stability, efficiency, and proficiency in the business. It is a simple solution that can eliminate problems like latency, incompetency, unprofessionalism, and tardiness from the sales cycle. This tool is applicable for all the business setups so when you are ready to automate your sales process, then you can call up TrackOlap and book your sales force automation tutorial today! Just one call and you will be automated by the experts.