How can you save while delivering food at your door
Food distribution businesses have a lot on their plates-no pun intended! When it comes to distributing the food, there is a lot more than routing to keep in mind. Many food distribution companies are thinking outside the box by investing in GPS fleet tracking services to keep their businesses on the right track.
These are just a few way this valuable tool can help your food distribution get a real edge over your competitors.
Save Money on Fuel and Labor with More Efficient Routing
Efficient routes cut costs. It really doesn't get simpler than that. Businesses today need to cut costs at every turn-without cutting corners. Using GPS tracking for your fleet does just that. The fact that you're saving money on multiple vehicles only intensifies the cost effectiveness of fleet tracking for your business.
Monitor Food and Beverage Temperatures
Frozen and refrigerated foods must be kept at certain temperatures to remain safe during the delivery process. Whether you're delivering foods across town or across many state lines, the ability to monitor temperatures in order to recognize any potential refrigeration problems in real time is a real boon for your business.
No one likes to ship all the way to the intended destination only to find out the food, mileage, and labor was all for naught because the cooler gave out two days into the four day journey.
Then you have to invest even more food, fuel and labor making a secondary delivery on top of making repairs and losing out on your initial delivery-never mind the cost of appeasing the unsatisfied customer who just received an unsalvageable delivery.
Prompt notice of refrigeration problems equals prompt attention and can be instrumental in salvaging the load.
Prevents Breakdowns by Reminding You of Routine Maintenance Needs
Breakdowns are costly because they generally take two or more trucks out of commission in order to recover. Don't let that happen to your business. While routine and scheduled maintenance may not prevent all breakdowns it does go a long way to reducing their numbers. This saves you labor and gas in the least. Don't forget though that when two or more drivers are out of commission, you're losing the money you could be making on them too.
Improve Customer Satisfaction with more Accurate Delivery Estimates
Even better, you can allow customers to track your vehicles in real time so they can have staff on hand to help receive deliveries and shipments as they arrive. This makes them happier with your services and more likely to continue using them. It's even a selling point to offer when attempting to sway customers away from your competitors.
The decision to invest in GPS fleet tracking for your food distribution business is a small decision that can net you much bigger profits as a result.