Bring Your Team Together With a Perfect Method – Team Building Software
To run a car properly, all four wheels of a car need to function in sync. If any of the four wheels stop working, then you can't move your car an inch.
Similarly, if you have a team of 10 or 100 people, then you need each and every team member to work together and follow the same goal. However, if even one person from a team won't work as per the defined goals or don't coordinate with other teammates, then it isn't possible for that team to achieve their goals.
Thus, to achieve business goals - team building is essential. With effective team building activities and strategies, you can take one step ahead towards achieving your business goals feverishly and gain plenty of other benefits, such as -
- Improved productivity is one of the main benefits of the good team-building practice as three P's of success - policies, process, and procedure - evolved with the perfect implementation of team building.
- Team building surges the feeling of constant motivation and creates a healthy work culture among the team members.
- With the practice of team collaboration activities, teammates learn to coordinate with one another and develop a feeling of mutual understanding.
- When different perspectives and ideologies of people are working together in one team, then that will encourage creativity and innovation.
- This practice can be used to provide recognition to employees by showcasing their positive work and good behavior.
How to Take Team Building Activities One Notch Up?
Team building is the core responsibility of team leaders – managers. They need to constantly understand the prevailing conditions and design concrete team building activities to bind their entire team together. But, with the change in the business structure where companies follow vivid types of employment methods like in house staff, remote teams, offshore working employees, contract-based employees, and others, then it is required extra efforts from team leaders to design effective team strengthening activities.
Leaders, these days need the assistance of Team Building Software that is designed by TrackOlap after accessing all the market conditions. With the effective technology-oriented tool, companies will be able to strengthen their entire team - it doesn't matter whether team members are working on different geographical locations.
However, if you are still not sure about the software option to develop a team, then check out how this solution can benefit your team.
1. Helps in Setting Specific Goals for the Team
The full team needs a clear sense of what will they accomplish and what success they get after being successful. In short, the entire team needs to be clear about the goals of the company and the rewards they will get in return to accomplish their job successfully. It is the responsibility of the leader to hold everyone accountable for what they are achieving, how they approach the target, value of the team and other responsibilities.
With the software, team leaders will be able to clear all these points with their team easily. They can assign a task to the entire team and define the role of each team member that will set accountability for the person. Additionally, they can issue tickets to the employees who aren't following the goals of the team or don't maintain the set business culture.
2. Ease to Onboard New Team Member
When a new member is introduced to a team, then it is the responsibility of the leader to ensure that the rest of the team accept a new member. And, a team leader also must guide a new person and help in adopting the team culture. This clear distribution of information is vital so they know how to handle a particular situation.
Here, team building software features can be highly useful – tracking features will benefit the team in knowing the location of new members and they can guide them if they are going off track. Plus, the dedicated communication portal is a boon for newcomers as they can establish constant communication with the team in case of stress. The cherry on the top, the manager can assign duty to other teammates to look after new entry and set their accountability to train them.
3. Dedication of Toxic Behaviour
Toxic behavior and conflicts are the common reason behind a dysfunctional team. To avoid such kind of situation, it is advised to detect such problems in the early phase and eliminate the root cause of the problem. The problem needs to be eradicated soon before it gets too late to handle the situation.
If you are using a dedicated team building software in your company, then you will be able to resolve conflicts and toxic behavior easily. Suppose if your sales employee and accountant enter into a conflict because of expense claim entry, then this conflict can be resolved within seconds as the software has in build expense claim feature where the manager can check the status of all the previous expense claim requests made by the employee and the due amount. It is a breezy way to solve complicated issues among the team with a shred of concrete evidence.
4. Use Demographic Diversity as Strength
If your team consists of a variety of ages, cultural, backgrounds, professional expertise or any other demographically diverse members, then you need to use a diversity of your team to gain more leverage. Such as if we take the case of professional expertise, then you might have freshers, veterans, and experts in your team so you need to establish a system to use different expertise levels of your team members to benefit your business.
Through software, you will get the complete profile of your team members available in front of you with few taps. This way you will be able to utilize different skills and traits of your team members to achieve goals. It will improve the efficiency and productivity of your organization to multiple levels.
5. Set Time to Meet Goals
Time is one of the precious commodity that needs to be valued. It is important to set a time-line with the task so that your team can accomplish the task within the given time frame. That's because, in large organizations, team members start a blame game when they are not able to complete their time on the given time frame.
But, now with the help of a team-building platform, managers can assign tasks with the deadline to employees and can evaluate the progress of a project on every step. They can send quick reminders to the employees who haven't completed their job on time. This way it will be super simple for team leaders to set a time frame and ensure that everyone from the team is on the schedule. Plus, they will even now if someone is behind or ahead of the schedule.
6. Establish a Healthy Competition
To encourage and motivate the team, it is highly recommended to establish a competitive environment where employees can grow and push their limits. You can start an employee of the month system in your organization where you can praise and reward the one employee who has shown progress in the performance. This will develop a feeling of competition among other employees and they will work harder to get the reward.
Once again, team building software can help in analyzing the performance of individual team members in real-time. This platform auto-generates 100+ performance reports and sends it to the team leader at the end of a day or week in the excel file formats. Leaders can easily compare past and present reports of an employee and decide whether the employee deserves a reward or punishment. All the decisions will be made based on proper resources so employees can't blame the management of showing favoritism either.
7. Facility to Eliminate Bias Thoughts
Too often terms such as Baby Boomer or Millennial come up, with numerous preconceived notions about a group of people. These narratives can evolve into generalized bias and create conflict and misunderstanding within teams. This generation gap among the team members raises various conflicts that can result in miss-communication and delays in the work process.
To avoid the generation gap situation, the ideal solution is to have a clutter-free communication channel where anyone from the team can freely communicate. The communication channel is also offered by this software that enables group chats and one on one chats to clear any sort of communication among the team due to their age factor.
8. Schedule Periodic Meetings
The foremost rule of strong team culture is the regular sharing of thoughts and goals. To make sure that your team is well synched, you need to regularly organize meet-ups where all members of the team both - remote and local can come together and share their ideas. Team building software allows your entire to stay in touch with one another all day long and you can organize periodic as per availability of all the members using digital methods. This practice will allow all members of a team to stay one page and help each other.
Team Builder Is The Must
A good team can make your business highly successful and a bad team can take your business down the hill. Now, there's no further discussion required on the topic that you need a strong and efficient team to grow your business. And, to manage your team against all the odds and ensure that your team always stay motivated - you need team building software. This tool can reduce the workload of the team leader and smoothly run team operations.
To enhance the efficiency and productivity of your team, you can contact TrackOlap experts as they will study your business domain and then create a perfect team building software for you under your limited budget.